Patience Beats Adversity

“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg,
not by smashing it.” ~ Arnold H. Glasgow

The tomato falls naturally from the vine when it is ripe, because it naturally knows when to hold on and when to let go. Learn from it, so that your entire energy field would open up and make you receptive to whatever the Universe brings your way.
“He that can have Patience, can have what he will” ~Benjamin Franklin

So where does impatience come from? It is an ego based energy that stems from not choosing to be at peace with what is. It’s an old habit brought on by not loving yourself, your body, your friends, family, and your experience of this world just the way it is. You tend to push or rush through an experience when love is not present. Rushing is truly an act of violence to your soul. It’s all about the ego trying to make the river flow faster because it thinks once it gets through this experience THEN the goodies will arrive and it will finally be happy, rich, fulfilled and at peace.
“Misery does not exist in reality but only in mere imagination.” ~Ramana

By rushing to get things done, your body becomes contracted, your mind narrows and your being misses this divine moment. This is a suffering caused by years of believing in the Great Illusion that you are not connected to the Infinite Source of love, intelligence, and power. The ego is obsessed with its own private agenda. It has its own “separate” desires, time schedule, and has completely forgotten about merging with God and experiencing bliss.

“Patience is the companion of wisdom.” ~ Saint Augustine

Patience is a major aspect in the process of consciously manifesting what you desire. With infinite patience, you can send any request into the Universe and it will easily manifest! It is important to let go of attachment to your future outcome and patiently allow the Universe to answer your request. The question is can you relax enough to wait for it?

“Hurry up…and wait!” ~John Oswald

One of the best ways to master patience is learning how to live in society in a relaxed, open, and receptive body. This means living IN the world, yet not OF the world; being connected to the big rat race, yet not rushing to get ahead of the other rats. Know that the more you rush, the more impatient energy you are creating.

“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties
disappear and obstacles vanish.” ~ John Quincy Adams


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