That Which Cannot Be Named

That Which Cannot Be Named

Consumed by wanting,

Although for exactly what, I am uncertain.

Maybe its’ just a craving for life,

A need to feel truly alive.

I feel as if a wild animal exists inside of me,

Scratching and screaming,

Trying to claw its’ way out.

It’s called passion, but sometimes it’s more like poison.

It makes me restless,

As one confined in a cage,

With just enough space to pace,

Back  and forth,

Along the bars, waiting for a chance,

To escape.

I know that it will come,

That day I will run free,

But not until I find the words,

To tame, what has no name.

Only then will there be peace

And an end to its torturing plea.

It’s like a lion,

Roaring in the dark void of my mind.

My soul is beckoning me to find it,

Calling me into myself,

Daring me to search for the meaning

Of my existence.

Challenging me to define it.

It is a living fire within me,

One that can no longer be extinguished,

And I am being incinerated,

By its’ tempestuous flames.

The only time I get relief from its’ wrath,

Is when I am with you,

In your  presence, my soul feels at ease,

And the feeling disappears.

I become anxious at the thought of leaving you,

Knowing, that shortly, like a familiar friend

It will return,

And I will feel as if I’m being eaten alive,

By this ravenous hunger.

With you, I want to do all those things,

Imagined, but not yet said.

I want to turn my animal loose on you,

Not holding back anything.

If you let me come close enough,

Will I burn you with these scorching flames?

Am I brave enough to quell this beast within me?

Are you?


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