The Journey – Part 1 – Chapter 9

Chapter 9

The week of debriefs with Starfleet had been excruciating. Trip had repeated the same information, so many times and been asked the same questions he’d answered over and over for months. Why they had to meet separately with every Admiral was a mystery. It made Trip wonder what he found appealing about diplomacy. By the time they were ready to head for Florida everybody was ready for some time off. They were all in civvies and laughing and telling jokes. T’Pol even seemed relaxed and at ease. Trip had noticed something different; lighter about her; but he couldn’t put his finger on the what or why.

The shuttle arrived at Trip’s parents. Charles and Katherine had been sitting on the porch, waiting for them. Katherine watched as they stepped out of the shuttle, tossing bags and joking. Trip turned toward his Mom and his eyes lit up. They were clear and bright and happy. Whatever had been happening with him had finally erased most of the dark, sadness from within. They had been worried about him since Lizzie, but after Elizabeth’s funeral they were scared for him. He was so lost, there had been no light in his eyes at all and they couldn’t help him because he refused to come home. Katherine then turned her attention to the other three young people. She immediately confirmed who the couples were. She had the computer do a search through his letters for their names, so she could reread what Trip had said about each of them. Hoshi, was a ‘whiz at languages’, Malcolm was the tactical officer and a close friend, and T’Pol was the first officer who, unless she misread what he’d written, had totally captured his heart sometime around the second year they were in space together. He had never said they were a couple, even when there was speculation all through the Terra Prime debacle. But watching them now she knew it was serious.

“Hi, Mom, hi Dad.” Trip said as he set down their bags and gave each a big hug. His Mom held onto him for a minute. “It’s good to finally have you home, son.”

“Mom, Dad, this is our friend Hoshi, the best communications officer in Starfleet.” His parents each reached out, shook her hand and told her it was nice to meet her.

“This is Malcolm, who has saved my butt more times than I will ever tell you about.” They welcomed Malcolm and thanked him for keeping their son safe.

“And this is T’Pol, our first officer and my best friend.” Trip had thought about how to introduce her to his parents. He couldn’t just say she’s my wife and she wasn’t just a friend, that was a conversation they’d have later. As his parents walked over to T’Pol it was obvious they didn’t know how to greet her. T’Pol was nervous. She bowed her head and said how much she had wanted to meet them, so they bowed back and told her they were happy she was there.

“Everybody these are my parents, Charles and Katherine Tucker.” Sensing the awkwardness of his parents Trip picked up the bags, looked at his father, and started toward the porch. “Dad, how about showing us where to put this stuff.”

Charles led them upstairs to the bedrooms. He put Malcolm and Hoshi in a room at one end of the hall, and directed Trip and T’Pol to a room at the other end. He pointed out the bathroom and linen closet and told them if they needed anything to let them know.

As he started back down the stairs he heard Trip. “See I told you it would be alright. My parents just want me to be happy and I am very happy, so they’ll be fine with us.”

“My mother was not fine with us. Your parents might feel the same and not want their son with an alien.”

Charles saw him walk over and wrap his arms around her. “Darlin, they are my parents and I love them very much, but you and I are together and that’s all there is to it. My parents can be happy for us or not, you and I are all that matter here, so stop worrying. You need to meditate don’t you. You’re all over the place.” Trip waved his hand around at their bags. “Let’s leave this for later, grab a candle and we’ll go find a quiet spot in the backyard to meditate.”

They grabbed a candle, knocked on Malcolm and Hoshi’s door, and asked if they’d be alright on their own, while they went outside so they could meditate. Malcolm said he was sure they could manage and would he please tell his parents they’d be down in a little bit. Trip found his parents and told them they were going to go outside, explaining that Vulcans have to meditate, and they wanted to enjoy the fresh air and that Malcolm and Hoshi would be down soon.

The couple walked out the back door and searched for a spot to sit. There was a tree off to the side of the yard, so Trip went and sat against it and T’Pol sat in front of him and lit the candle. They leaned back, relaxed and then they were at the Fire Plains, a place Trip often meditated in. They didn’t speak, they just sat there holding each other. When they finally came back to the yard, T’Pol stayed where she was laying against Trip’s chest. She shifted herself more on her side and quietly rested with his arms wrapped tightly around her. Trip was thinking how much you miss fresh air and sunshine on a starship when T’Pol interrupted his thoughts. “We are being watched.”

Trip listened and heard his mother, with Malcolm and Hoshi. He assumed they were at the back door looking out because he couldn’t make out what they were saying. “They’re talking about us aren’t they.”

“Yes, your mother is pleased that Vulcans do touch and Hoshi told her that we do not touch in public, only in private and sometimes with family. Malcolm just told her that they had never seen us do more than touch our fingers together before.”

“We’ll have to explain about Vulcan kisses. So, why are we touching? You never let me touch you in front of anybody before.”

“Your parents are family, and I have come to regard Malcolm and Hoshi as family and we are not on Enterprise, so some less intimate touching is allowed.”

“What does less intimate touching mean exactly?”

“I do not know what will not be uncomfortable for me. We will have to see, but no kissing.”

“Just when I think I have this all figured out you go and change the rules on me.”

“We can leave the rules the way they have always been.”

“No, I like the new rules, I’m just not sure what all of them are. “

Malcolm and Hoshi came out and stood beside them. “We were thinking of going for a walk down the beach. Would you like to join us?”

T’Pol looked up at them. “Yes, I have only experienced a beach in Trip’s mind, I would like to see this place that makes him feel so peaceful.”

They walked around too the front of the house. Trip and Malcolm sat on the porch to remove their shoes. “Hey, not to pry, but what’s with T’Pol snuggling up to you in the back yard?”

“That’s how we always mediate together, but the touching has something to do with only being around family and not being on Enterprise.” Trip took in a deep breath and as soon as he let it out he jumped up and headed into the house. “I’ll be right back. I need to get something for T’Pol.”

Trip return to the group and handed T’Pol her nasal inhibitor. “You haven’t used it since last night have you?”

“No. You think I will need it now?”

“You’ve only seen a beach, you haven’t smelled one. I don’t mind it, but you won’t find the smell of fish at all appealing and the breeze is blowing inland.”

“Thank you .”

“I want you to love the beach as much as I do, although I guess it doesn’t matter much since we probably won’t be near one again for a long time.”

“We can make memories of this one together, so we can visit it whenever we wish.”

“Yeah. I’m glad my parents moved back to Florida. Mississippi was never home to them. I’m not sure I would have ever thought of it as home either.”

Trip waded in the water as they walked the shoreline. T’Pol took off her shoes and got her feet wet. Malcolm and Hoshi walked with them for some time, but well away from the water and then they simply were no where to be seen. Trip and T’Pol found a small cove. Trip laid down in the sand on his back and T’Pol sat next to him. He reached up and put his hands on each side under her arms and pulled her down to him. Their lips met and sensations began to pulse through their bodies and the sand and waves hitting the beach faded into the background. Having lost track of how long they had been there Trip thought a couple of hours had gone by when he felt the air hit his wet skin. The temperature had dropped several degrees and he knew the cool air would make T’Pol cold very soon. He felt her shiver slightly. “We need to get dressed and get you back to the house, where its warm and dry. We’ll have to bring beach towels or a blanket next time.”

They walked into the kitchen where his parents were sitting having coffee. Malcolm and Hoshi hadn’t returned. Trip grabbed two cups and asked his Mom if she had gotten the tea he had asked her to get. “Of course, I got everything you asked for. The tea is in the cupboard above the coffee maker.”

He put a chamomile teabag in one cup and a mint one in the other and added hot water from the teapot on the stove. He handed T’Pol her tea and sipped his own mint tea. His mother looked at him for a moment. “When did you start drinking hot tea?”

“When Doc and T’Pol convinced me coffee wasn’t good for me.”

“You don’t drink coffee anymore?”

“No, it made me stomach hurt and made me jittery, it was suggested I try green tea with mint. I tried it and now tea is pretty much all I drink.”

“I hope you still drink soda. I bought some root beer for you.”

“I haven’t had it much since being on Enterprise, but I still like it.”

“I’m gong to start dinner. I know T’Pol is a vegetarian. Is there anything Hoshi or Malcolm don’t like or can’t eat?”

“As far as I know Malcolm will eat whatever you give him and Hoshi I have no idea. I’ll eat whatever you’re making for T’Pol.”

His Dad spoke up. “You don’t eat meat either?”

“I eat seafood, but out of respect for T’Pol I don’t eat meat with she is at the table. I still like it, I just chose not to eat it.”

“You chose not to eat a good piece of steak? I can’t believe it. Catfish, pecan pie, and steak were always your favorites. “

“I still love catfish and pecan pie and eat them as often as possible.” Trip told them as he stuck his head out the back door and started shaking sand out of his hair. His Dad’s face beamed with a smile that told Trip he knew exactly how all that sand had gotten there.

“Maybe I should make something different for dinner.” Katherine stated.

T’Pol said. “Mrs. Tucker serving meat is fine. Trip stopped eating meat without my knowledge and I appreciate his choice, but I have no problem with him eating meat or anyone else eating meat.”

“Yeah, Mom she didn’t even know why I stopped eating meat. I had even stopped eating seafood when she was at the Captain’s table with us a year or so ago. When I finally told her she said seafood didn’t bother her and her father had actually eaten it when she was young.”

“Do you eat any kind of seafood yourself T’Pol?” Katherine asked.

“I have not tried it, though I did tell Trip I would, but there has been no opportunity too.”

Well, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of chances to try it while you’re here, if you want.”

Katherine started pulling vegetables out of the refrigerator and asked Trip and T’Pol to help her clean and cut them up. His Mom watched as Trip took everything to the sink and found a pair of gloves under the sink and handed them to T’Pol and got two knives. She wondered when they had done this before. Trip just got the gloves without her asking and how would he have known she would want them otherwise. They worked well together, but never said a word. Trip went to the refrigerator and pulled out several pieces of fruit, washed them and cut them up into a bowl. He set it on the counter next the tray of vegetables and T’Pol said thank you, but Katherine didn’t know what she thanked him for.

Malcolm and Hoshi came back just as dinner was being put on the table. They apologized for being gone so long. Trip told them not to worry about it. He was sure his parents understood what it was like to finally be able to openly spend time together after being on Enterprise and at the academy dorm for a week. After dinner Trip told Malcolm and Hoshi that he and T’Pol were going to talk to his parents out on the porch and if they didn’t want to be there they might want to consider going upstairs or for another walk. Malcolm wished him good luck and they headed up to their room.

Trip went out with his parents to the porch and T’Pol joined them handing Trip a beer, which he took a long swig of.

Breathe T’hy’la. Relax.”

I’m fine I just don’t know where to start.”

I have found it best to be direct.”

“Okay here goes.”

“Mom and Dad we need to talk to you. “

“Okay, what’s wrong.” His Mom asked.

“Nothing is wrong. It’s just that T’Pol and I are married.”

“What, how can you be married you’ve been out in space for over a year. You weren’t married when you were on Earth last time were you?’

“No, we were married first when we were on Enterprise, then again when we were on Vulcan last month.”

“You got married twice. Captain Archer married you?

“No, The Captain and Starfleet don’t know yet.”

T’Pol stepped in. “Vulcan’s have what is called a mating bond. Two people form a mental bond and if they choose to let the bond form completely they are considered married according to Vulcan tradition. We completed our bond then we had a ceremony on Vulcan to make it legal there and to make Trip a Vulcan citizen.”

His father spoke. “Is that all?”

T’Pol sat sipping her tea and sending calm to Trip. His nervousness began to increase, but he just started talking and let it all out. “No it’s not. Because we have this bond it’s going to make it impossible for us to stay on Enterprise. Earth is going to be back at war soon and we won’t be able to hide our connection and once Starfleet finds out they will want to separate us. We can’t let that happen. We couldn’t stay anyway because we would be putting everybody at risk. We can feel what the other feels and know what each other thinks and it will make it impossible for us to do our jobs. And I just don’t want to be a soldier anymore.”

“Are you going to leave Starfleet and return to Earth or go to Vulcan?”, his Mom asked.

“We are going to resign from Starfleet, in the very near future. We aren’t coming to Earth or going to Vulcan. I’m pretty sure we’ll be out in space somewhere. We’ll be together and working to help with the war, that’s all we know for now. We should know something more when we get back to San Francisco.”

“You didn’t have a wedding on Earth?” Katherine asked. Trip knew this was coming. His mother was upset that he’d gotten married and she wasn’t there.

“No, we haven’t and I don’t want another wedding. The ceremony I care about we had ourselves on Enterprise. Hoshi is checking to see if our Vulcan marriage will be recognized and give T’Pol Earth citizenship, so if we have any kids they will be citizens here too. She thinks we might need to make it legal here and if that’s true we just want to go before a judge with Malcolm and Hoshi as witnesses. “

“No family. Why would you do that. You’re home you could have a wedding here. I have your grandmother’s ring that I had given to Lizzie, you can give it to T’Pol.”

“Mom, I don’t want that. T’Pol wouldn’t be comfortable .”

T’Pol told him through the bond. “If this is important to you and your family, we should do it.”

No, T’Pol. I meant what I said. Our wedding was on Enterprise and I’m not putting us through another wedding to make my Mom happy. Letting my Mom plan a wedding is a really bad idea.”

Katherine got up and went into the house.

“Dad, do you understand?”

“I don’t have to understand, it’s your life, but your mother is gonna need some time. Can you at least take the ring and give it to T’Pol?”

“She won’t wear it. I won’t ask her to. Why didn’t she give it to Alex?”

“Alex was married before Lizzie was taken, so she kept it for you to give to your bride.”

“Can you talk to her, please. If we have to go before a judge tell her she can come, if that’ll help.”

“Could you have that same ceremony here with just us?” his Dad asked.

“Darlin, it’s up to you. It’ll be simple, no fancy clothes and just us.”

“I will do whatever you decide is best.”

“Okay, if we have to, but no wedding dress, no suits, no guests, and no rings. A simple exchanging of vows, that’s it.” Trip got up. “Hang on I need to check with Hoshi.”

Trip started into the house and Malcolm and Hoshi met him at the door. “We were in the kitchen, when your Mom came in. She’s a little upset with you.”

“I know. I knew this was going to be a problem, but I’ll be damned if I could find a way to make it easier, short of not telling them we’re married. Hoshi, did you find out about T’Pol’s citizenship?”

“Well, the short version is for you to get married on Earth to get her citizenship or live here for four years to get it. She will need to be a citizen if you aren’t going to be living on Earth when you have a child or the child won’t be a citizen.”

“So we need to see a judge? Are you two available for another ceremony? “

“Sure, whatever you need.” Malcolm said.

Trip stepped back outside, turned to his Dad. “Tell her we’ll do it here, but she can’t make this a big deal and you can’t tell anybody until I tell you it’s okay. If she can agree to that, fine, otherwise we’ll see you at the courthouse.”

Charles left them and went into the house. “Trip why are you so dead set against a wedding?” Hoshi asked as she and Malcolm came out onto the porch.

“We’ve had two, I never thought all that hoopla was necessary to begin with, so why would I want to ask, my wife, a Vulcan who wants nothing more than keep the intimate details of our life private to go through all that? I knew what being with T’Pol would mean and I agreed the minute we became a couple. My Mom is just going to have to accept it.”

Trip reached for T’Pol’s hand. She let him intertwine their fingers and gently pull her towards the door. “We’ll see you in the morning I have a date with the shower to get rid all this stupid sand I seem to have everywhere and I need to meditate. If my Mom hasn’t told you already, help yourself to whatever you want in the kitchen and if you need anything else just ask. Goodnight.”

T’Pol began soaping Trips hair and working her way down his back. “Trip, why were you so harsh with your mother? “

“I don’t know. I knew exactly what was going to happen and I wish I could do what she wants me to do, but it just doesn’t feel right. Alex got married in Spain and Joseph isn’t married, so I think she pinned all her hopes of seeing one of her kids getting married on me.” He leaned his head against the wall. “A part of me feels guilty about not doing it because of Lizzie. She would have hated the big deal wedding and all the trimmings, but she would have let my Mom plan whatever she wanted and she and the groom would’ve just shown up.”

“Can I make a request?”

“Sure, whatever you want you know that.”

“Ask her if we can have flowers.”

“Okay, any specific kind?”

“Let her decide.”

“Are you doing this because you want flowers or for my Mom?”

“Does it matter?”

“No, if you want flowers you’ll get flowers. I sure hope you don’t expect me to remember all three wedding dates?”

“Why would I expect you to remember when we were married?”

“Humans celebrate wedding anniversaries every year.”

T’Pol considered this. “Depends on how you would like to celebrate. If you wish to celebrate in private I think I would like you to remember all three dates.”

“Oh we don’t need any dates to celebrate in private. All you need do is do exactly what you’re doing right now.” Trip said as she moved her hands slowly all over his body. Meditation would have to wait until morning.

Katherine entered the kitchen to find T’Pol sitting at the table drinking her tea. “I thought I was the only one who got up this early. “

“I do not require as much sleep as Trip, so I usually get up before he does. I usually meditate and when he gets up he joins me.”

“Trip meditates. How’d you manage to get him to sit still long enough? He had to be doing something all the time. I think it was the only way he could think. He had too much going on in his brain, so he had to do something with all that excess energy.”

“When our bond was still new to him I could gently suggest things to him and he did not know it was me and not his own idea.”

“Is that how you got him to drink tea?”

“Yes, I suggested a couple until he liked the green tea and mint. He has changed it more to his own taste, since.”

“He knows you do this and he doesn’t get mad?”

“He knows now, which thoughts are his and which are mine, but he knows I did it and he did not seem mad.” T’Pol stopped for a minute. “ He is awake. He’s says he wasn’t mad because it really was good for him.”

Trip came into the kitchen. “Besides haven’t women been getting men to do what they want for centuries? “

Katherine laughed. “Yes, they have, but in more indirect ways. It’s got to be a lot easier to secretly plant ideas in their head.”

“I know when she’s doing it now and it usually still works.” He said as he reached across the table and touched his two fingers to T’Pol’s.

“Why do you do that? Katherine asked her curiosity peaked.

T’Pol responded. “That is the acceptable way for Vulcan bondmates to greet each other. Vulcans do not show affection in public. Trip says it is almost like a kiss.”

“Since we completed the bond it is much better. It sends sensations through your hand into your body. It’s comforting somehow to make that connection.”

Hoshi came in yawning. “Please tell me there’s coffee.” Trip poured her a cup as she sat next to T’Pol. “Did you still want to go shopping T’Pol?”

Trip looked surprised. “What do you want to go shopping for?” He hadn’t sensed anything through the bond, which meant she didn’t want him to know what she wanted to get.

“I just need a few things and asked Hoshi if she would join me.”

“That’s fine. I just get a little nervous when you two are keeping secrets.”

“I’m not keeping secrets. I have no idea what she wants to buy. I’m just going with her.” Hoshi offered.

Malcolm dragged himself into the kitchen. He looked like he hadn’t slept at all. Trip had never seen him when he wasn’t showered, shaved, and dressed in the morning. “Mal, why didn’t you stay in bed? You look like you need a few more hours of sleep. We don’t have anywhere to be and it looks like T’Pol and Hoshi are going shopping, so go back and lay down before you fall down.” Malcolm turned and went back upstairs.

“Hoshi, what did you do to Malcolm. That guy that just left isn’t the Mal I’ve known for the last four years. He’s always so buttoned down with every hair in place.”

“I always knew there was more to him than that, it just took a while to find him through all that stuffy British upbringing and military training. Actually T’Pol had as much to do with it as I did.”

Trip shot Hoshi an amazed look as T’Pol’s eyebrows went up. “How’d T’Pol have anything to do with it?”


“What’s neuro-pressure?” Katherine asked.

Trip did not want to be having this discussion with his Mom. “Okay, I’m not touching that. Hoshi, just pace yourself. We have twelve more days and at this rate Malcolm isn’t going to make it.”

T’Pol quickly changed the subject. “Mrs. Tucker would you like to join us? Hoshi and I would like to take you to lunch while we’re out.”

“I’d like that very much. Let’s get some breakfast and go from there.”

Trip and his Dad spent the morning and early afternoon in his workshop. Malcolm finally made an appearance after lunch. He was showered and shaved, barefoot and in jeans and a t-shirt. Trip went into the house to help him find something to eat. Trip watched as he wolfed down a sandwich and chips. After his second cup of coffee he finally looked up at Trip.

“Hey buddy thanks. I can’t remember being that hungry ever. “

“Rough night.”

“No, actually the last 20 hours or so have been great. I just needed sleep.” After a minute Malcolm continued. “You know, Hoshi and I came downstairs while you were talking to your parents last night. I caught the part about your plans to leave Enterprise. Heard where you aren’t going, but still don’t know where you are planning on going?”

“We don’t know yet. There’s a lot I haven’t told you and there’s a lot I can’t because I don’t know myself yet, but while I don’t know exactly when, we will be leaving. We have to. You and I talked about this before, so you understand?”

“Soval’s got something to do with this doesn’t he?”

“Yes, he’s working on some plan, which we’ve agreed to hear him out on. We’re meeting with him at the consulate when we get back to San Francisco.”

“I heard you say you would be doing something to help with the war.”

“Soval said I’d be using my engineering and diplomatic skills, traveling, and be out in space and T’Pol would be right there helping me and using her science background.”

“I knew you’d be going, but I didn’t think it would be so soon.”

“What are you and Hoshi going to do?”

“I have no idea. We’re talking about transferring back to Earth. She’d be alright teaching and working at the academy, but I’m not so sure if training new recruits would be something I would be happy doing.”

“A little to used to being in charge and in the thick of things, huh?”

“I just know we can’t stay on a starship and if I have to take a position at the Academy, then I will. When do you think the war will start?”

“I figure middle to end of next year. That’s why we’re going soon. Captain Archer will need time to break in new officers before they have to fight and if you are leaving too then he’ll really need the time. He’ll be losing almost all his bridge crew.”

“When are you going to tell him?”

“Don’t know that yet. I’m still debating whether to go the direct approach or let the ship’s grapevine do it for us.”

“Well, don’t do anything without talking to Hoshi and I first, it might be better to do it all at once.”

“Fine. Kinda like the idea of distributing his anger to four of us instead of just two at a time.”

“Do you think he’s gonna be mad?”

“At me probably, T’Pol maybe, you and Hoshi I don’t know. He will be mad that he’s losing four good officers at one time. While we’re talking about the Captain there’s something else I need to tell you. T’Pol and I both have permanently blocked our bio-signs from everybody, except the Vulcans.” He pulled out his tricorder. ” Captain Vargus gave each of us one of these and I have one that can be integrated into Enterprises sensors, which I’d like to give to you. Only you can’t tell anyone you have it and once we leave Enterprise we need it back. The Vulcans don’t want anyone to know about the technology, for security reasons and they have done something to the case, so that if anyone tries to take it apart it will erase all the data in it.”

“Okay, I guess I can do that. The Vulcans are really taking your protection seriously.”

“Seems as Vulcan citizens they consider us valuable to the future. I wish I knew more about what Soval is doing, but I decided I trust him a while ago, so I’m sticking with my gut on this one.”

“Okay, just let me know what you need. So where did the women go?”

“I’m not sure. T’Pol seems to have instigated this little shopping and lunch excursion. I have no idea what she’s up to, she has me blocked out. “

“Does she see and hear everything you do?”

“We can see and hear everything, unless we block each other. If I want her to pay attention I ask her to, otherwise she’s just there, but not necessarily listening. If she wants to listen in she does and I know she is. We don’t have secrets from each other anyway, so it’s not that big a deal. I’m so used to her being there that days like today feel weird because she’s blocking me. The thing I can’t get used to is the fact that even though we have this bond we still have communication issues. How can you screw it up when they know everything about you?”

“Isn’t that the nature of romantic relationships?”

“I don’t know, you and Hoshi don’t seem to argue.”

“We have, but for the most part no. We seem to be matched up pretty well. She gets after me about being uptight and that’s it and even then she just teases me about it. “

“Well, all I can say is you have come a long way from the guy who signed on to Enterprise. You’re barefoot and wearing jeans.”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a proper vacation and I’m having a great time.”

The women came back and T’Pol went straight up stairs with several bags. Hoshi and Katherine came into the kitchen and sat down.

“So did you get everything you were looking for ladies?” Malcolm asked.

“We didn’t buy a thing. T’Pol did all the shopping today.“ Hoshi answered.

Trip was trying to get something from T’Pol through the bond, but she wasn’t responding. “So what did she buy? She had quite a few bags.”

“I’ll let her tell you. She obviously doesn’t want you to know or you would, so who am I to spoil a secret.” Hoshi teased.

T’Pol came down and presented Trip with a small gift-wrapped box. When he opened it he was surprised. It was a blues harmonica, just like the one he had traded for the horse back at the Skagaron colony.

“Thanks, darlin. I’m surprised you remembered. I haven’t thought about playing since I traded my old one.”

“You said you would replace it, but you never did. You told me it relaxed you.”

“It does. Maybe I’ll play something later. So what else did you get?”

“Nothing important. How was your day?”

“I helped Dad out in the workshop. We talked about some of our adventures in the Expanse. Told him about Lorian and the other Enterprise.”

Malcolm the security officer checked in. “You told him it was classified, didn’t you?’

“Mal, I did, but who exactly do you think he’s going to tell about an alternate time line. They’d think he was a nut.”

“Sorry, you’re right. If I hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t believe it.”

Katherine started dinner and told the four to get out of her way, so they went out to the beach. After dinner T’Pol went upstairs and called Trip through the bond to come meditate. He came into the room, the lights were out and candles were burning all over the place. T’Pol must have gotten them when she was out. She came out of the bathroom in a pair of red pajamas similar to blue ones she wore that Trip liked. “Those may be my new favorite. Red is definitely your color. You went shopping for pajamas?”

“Yes, among other things. You asked why I stopped changing out of my uniform in our quarters. I changed before because we were doing neuro-pressure and my uniform would not have been convenient. When I am alone I change just before I meditate or go to bed. I spoke to Hoshi about why many humans change their clothes. She said that many people go home and the first thing they do is change out of their work clothes as a way of leaving their work at work. They find it relaxes them. I wish to see if this is true and will help me leave work at work. I purchased clothes to wear off-duty and also sleeping attire to wear in our quarters.”

‘Well, if the rest of what you bought looks anything like what you have on right now I won’t be thinking about work.”

‘There are also items for you on the bed.”

Trip walked over and looked at what she had gotten for him. There were several pair of men’s pajama bottoms. “Where are the tops?”

“I did not purchase tops.”

“Don’t they usually come as a set?”

“I did not ask. I simply told the clerk that this is all I required.”

“So, you like me to wear no shirt.”

“In our quarters, yes.”

“Actually when I wear the pair of pj’s I have I don’t wear the top.”

“I know.”

“You could have said something.”

“I think I just did.”

“So you like my bare chest.”

T’Pol walked to him and opened his shirt. “I like to twirl my finger in your chest hair. “

“I’ll never understand why women find that sexy, but I guess it’s no more crazy than me liking your bare midriff and belly button.”

Trip changed into a pair of the pj’s. He came out of the bathroom tying them up. “Is there a reason why you got the ones with ties instead of elastic?”

“I’ll show you that after we meditate.”

The next few days were spent sight-seeing and walking on the beach. Everyone worked at getting the boat ready. They stocked up on food and drinks. Checked the engines and safety equipment. Trip was a little concerned about Malcolm, he said he’d be fine as long as he didn’t get wet, so every body took extra care to make sure they didn’t splash him and he stayed near the wheel. Trip hadn’t realized that it wasn’t just that Malcolm couldn’t swim he was afraid of drowning and getting wet seemed to be the trigger to the phobia. It helped that Malcolm had their safety to focus on. He made sure Trip and T’Pol had their weapons and communicators, as well as the tricorders. He logged an entry into the Starfleet computer, with their planned route, departure and return dates, just to be on the safe side. They let him do what he felt he had to do, so he could get it all out of his system and relax once they left port.

Charles and Trip checked their scuba gear and filled extra tanks. Trip hadn’t been diving since he had taught Jon and he was looking forward to it. He and his Dad had dived all around the northwest side of the Florida panhandle from Panama City to Pensacola, but they would be on the northeast coastline from Jacksonville towards Daytona Beach. He’d never dived there before, but had heard the best diving was in deeper water, which is where they planned on being, as they had all decided to stay offshore and on the boat.

The day they set sail was perfect. The sun was warm, the sky was clear, and the forecast called for warm days and cool nights. Malcolm knew his way around a boat, his father had insisted he and his sister Madeline learn how to sail. He shared the steering duties with Charles. Trip helped set up the navigational equipment and occasionally had to adjust the lines to adjust their point of sail, but the wind was fairly steady and hadn’t changed direction much so other than tacking little adjusting was needed. They spent the day laying around on deck and talking.

Trip and T’Pol tried explaining Vulcan chess to Charles, who finally said he’d need to actually see the boards to understand and Hoshi assured him that wouldn’t help. She had watched them many times and still had no idea how to play. They talked about Trip the diplomat and his parents said they weren’t surprised he was good at it, but they were surprised he liked it. The Romulans came up, but Trip steered the conversation away from war quickly. His parents knew he was in danger out in space, but they didn’t need to know the details of what had happened to any of them and what could happen in the future. He figured their imaginations worked overtime, but they had no real clue what it was really like. He kept the stories as light and funny, as much as possible. They turned in early. Trip and Charles were going to dive tomorrow, midmorning, and wanted to be well rested.

They dropped anchor. Trip and Charles were in their wetsuits and Malcolm helped them put on the rest of their gear. T’Pol had moved to the stern and had her feet hanging over the side. Trip and his father went over the side and headed toward the artificial reefs between 250 – 300 feet to their starboard side. T’Pol told Trip through the bond to be careful. He told her to sit back, relax and enjoy the show as she watched him take in the ocean around him, from the safety of the deck. She could feel his wonder, as he swam around the coral. The brilliant colors had surprised T’Pol. To look at an ocean on the surface one would never guess that there were so many varieties of fish and plant life. A school of angel fish swam by. Trip saw a blue spotted stingray against a backdrop of the greenest algae he’d ever seen. Charles caught Trip’s attention and signaled he found a wreck and pointed to let Trip know he was headed over that way. Trip was leisurely swimming in the same direction. He stopped to watch several nurse sharks go by off at a distance. He started for the wreck, but suddenly felt a shocking cold like someone had dumped ice water over his head. No, it felt as if he’d just been dropped into ice cold water. His senses started to clear and he knew, T’Pol was in the water.

T’Pol where are you?”

In the water, boat has been boarded.” Trip could feel how cold she was. He was beginning to shiver.

What happened?” He asked as he started to swim back towards the boat.

Two men appeared on deck in front of Malcolm, I slipped into the water. Can hear them searching through boat.” Trip became aware of where she was.

“Darlin, you need to move, if the engine starts you would be cut up pretty bad. Can you see a docking cleat near you. There should be one on either side. Grab the one on the starboard side and hold on until I get there.”

What starboard?”

Trip forgot she had never been on a boat before. “I mean the right side, darlin I’m sorry.”

Trip swam to the surface. He was still 100 feet away, but he wanted to see what was going on if he could. There were no other boats and he couldn’t see anyone on the deck. He spotted someone floating towards him face up and obviously unconscious. It was Hoshi.

T’Pol , I just found Hoshi in the water. I don’t see any other boats, how did they get aboard?”

I do not know. Did not hear anything until they spoke to Malcolm. They were looking for us.”

Okay, can you hear them still?”

No, I think they are gone.”

I’m bringing Hoshi back to the boat, hang on.” He could feel her shivering more now and her teeth were chattering. His wetsuit protected him, but he could still feel the coolness of the water .

Trip reached the boat. He had checked Hoshi over for injuries, but found nothing. Her pulse was strong, as was her breathing. Her shoes had laces in them, so he removed them and tied her wrist to the railing to keep her from floating away. He removed his weight belt, pulled himself up and gently dropped it onto the deck. He did the same with his tanks and snorkel, slipped back into the water, and headed for T’Pol.

When he got to her he saw that her shivering was worse and she must be blocking some of it from him. He reached out and pulled her to him. “T’Pol.” He put his hands on her face and turned her so he could look directly into her eyes. “I need you to block out your shivering. I need to pull myself up over the railing into the boat and I can’t do that if I’m shaking from cold. “

T’Pol closed her eyes and the shivering lessened. Trip placed both her hands back on the cleat and pulled himself onto the deck. He reached over the side and pulled T’Pol up. He held her in his arms for a few seconds, then picked her up and placed her on a deck chair. “Did you have your phaser on deck somewhere?”

“It is right here.” She pointed to the waterproof pouch Malcolm has insisted they use to keep their phasers and communicators dry. Trip removed the phaser and put it in her hand. “I need to check on Mom and Malcolm.”

“Where is your father?”

“Damn, he’s still out there. He’s probably looking for me.”

Trip unzipped a pocket in his wetsuit and removed his own phaser and went to look for Malcolm. He found him out cold laying on the deck. He checked his pulse. He must have been stunned. He heard something behind him. He turned and pointed his phaser in the direction of the noise. Katherine stuck her head out of the cabin. “Who were those people and what did they want.”

Trip lowered the phaser. “I don’t know yet Mom, but they’re gone. Can you go drop the horn into the water and signal Dad to get back here. I left him down there and I’m sure by now he’s figured out I’m missing.”

Katherine went to get the horn while Trip pulled Hoshi out of the water and laid her next to Malcolm. As he was checking them over he turned to see his Mom give T’Pol a blanket, which she wrapped around herself. Trip took out his communicator, but it wasn’t working. He heard Charles grumbling as he pulled himself into the boat. “What is wrong with you? How many times have I told you never leave your dive partner?” Charles stopped when he saw Malcolm and Hoshi on the deck and turned to see Katherine trying to get a shivering T’Pol to drink some hot tea.

“Sorry Dad, but things happened kinda fast. I felt T’Pol in the water and that’s all I could think about.”

“Are they alright and what the hell happened?”

“I think they were stunned. They’ll be awake in 10 minutes or so and feel like crap, but they’ll be fine. We need to get back to dry land. Can you get the engine started and get ready to drop the sails, while I get my wife into some dry clothes before she gets sick?”

“Sure, but I’ll need your help with the mainsail.”

“Just get started and I’ll be right back.” He picked T’Pol up and headed below deck. The doors were all open. Whoever the intruders were they had searched for them. Trip sat T’Pol on the edge of the bed, grabbed her some dry clothes, and began to take the wet ones off. He took the blanket and rubbed her skin trying to warm her up, but she was still too cold. “Maybe you should take a hot shower and get warm?”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Trip went into the bathroom and turned on the water, then helped T’Pol into the stall. He then grabbed himself some sweats and a shirt and stripped off his wetsuit. The engine started and the boat had begun to turn into the wind. “T’Pol I’m going up to help Dad drop the sails. Will you be okay?”

“Yes, I will join you when I am done.”

With that Trip went back up on deck. Malcolm was just starting to come around and trying to sit up. When he finally managed to get up he saw Trip working the lines to the mainsail. He looked to the side of the boat for Hoshi. She was still unconscious on the deck beside him. Malcolm rolled toward her and took her hand. He reached with his other hand to the side of her face.

Trip had the sails down and folded out of the way. “Mal what happened?”

“Two guys materialized. The Orion said Navaar wants you both alive. She put a high price on your head, which is why they left us here. You’re worth enough that trading us to the slavers wasn’t worth the trouble.”

“Why does she want us. Just because we stopped her from getting Enterprise? You’d think she put all this effort into trying again, it doesn’t make any sense.”

Malcolm tried to stand up, but got very dizzy and grabbed his head. “Mal, stay put. The effects of their stuns aren’t fun. It takes a while remember?”

“No, it never took that long.”

“Yes it did, but Phlox always put us to sleep until the side effects were gone.”

“Where’s the Doc when you need him?” Hoshi started to moan and move around and Malcolm turned onto his side, leaned down on his arm and kissed her cheek. Hoshi started to sit up. “Just stay laying down, you’ll feel better.” He put his arm across her chest to keep her down.

“How’d Hoshi wind up floating in the ocean?”

“I told her to go overboard, as she started over they shot her in the back and when I tried to stop her from falling in they shot me in the chest.”

They had sailed for a day, but the engine got them back home in hours. They got to the house, where Captain Vargus, Sub-Commander Kel, and Vulcan security stepped out of a shuttle.

Trip walked to the shuttle, put his hand up in the Vulcan greeting. “Live long and prosper.” He didn’t wait for the reply. “Why am I not surprised to see you? I take it you had no intention of returning to Vulcan.”

“No, we have been orbiting just outside of Earth’s atmosphere. The Security Ministry contacted the Ambassador with reports of possible trouble and we were dispatched to find you. While tracking you it became clear you were headed back to your parent’s home.”

“The Security Ministry has been watching us. Are you assigned to us?”

“Yes, we are to make sure nothing happens to you.”

“I’m really sorry you got stuck with babysitting, but you should have told us.” Trip added. “Never mind I’ll talk to Soval, you just follow orders. Can you contact the Ambassador for me?”

Captain Vargus motioned behind Trip. “Perhaps you should take care of your family they seem distressed. The Ambassador will contact you soon.”

Trip looked at his parents who were watching in stunned silence. He really did need to get them inside. They’d had a very trying day and he needed to keep it from getting worse. He walked back to them and started grabbing bags to take into the house. “Let’s get this stuff inside. Mom maybe you could make some food and drinks for everybody.” Giving his Mom something to do was the best way to help her and his Dad would end up helping get things done in the kitchen, so they’d be busy for a little while.” Once they got Katherine and Charles settled they all went out to the porch.

“I don’t want anyone talking about this in front of Mom and Dad. They’ll worry enough without knowing that someone wants to kidnap or kill us.”

T’Pol looked at him. “What are you going to tell them? Your mother knows an Orion was trying to find you. She will want to know why?”

“I don’t know. I couldn’t tell her the truth if I wanted to because I don’t even know why Navaar wants us. Any suggestions?”

Malcolm said. “Just tell them her about the slave girls trying to take over Enterprise. It’s true and it doesn’t matter what you tell them they will be upset. Just leave out the part about them seducing the male crew members.”

The rest of the day and into evening was spent planning for the rest of the vacation. Katherine insisted that Captain Vargus and Sub-Commander Kel join them for dinner. Trip told them it wasn’t necessary, but they stayed anyway. They all sat at the table, but no one spoke. Trip and T’Pol were discussing Soval’s call through their bond as they watched everybody else trying to figure out who would speak first.

Soval had said that he had everything ready and that when they came to the consulate he would explain it all to them. Trip told him Malcolm would be joining them. He and T’Pol decided it would save them having to explain it all to him later. Soval also told them Navaar wanted them because the syndicate wanted to expand onto Earth and she wanted to know how Trip and T’Pol had been able to resist the pheromones of the slave girls. No one had been able to resist before and she wanted to come up with a way to prevent that in the future. He also said that she would be stopped. The members of the Coalition had put out word that the Orions must stay away from both Trip and T’Pol and had began attacking every Orion ship they ran across. They would not stop until Navaar and the syndicate assured them they were no longer interested in the Commanders.

Trip and T’Pol both were shocked when their conversation was interrupted. Katherine said. “Looks like there will be guests at your wedding after all.”

“Mom, you promised you wouldn’t invite anyone.”

“I didn’t, but all these people are here, so they’ll be guest won’t they.”

Trip gave T’Pol a pleading look. “Help, she just never gives up.”

They are Vulcans they will do as you ask. They are to be around, but not intrude. They will observe, but from a distance.”

Trip looked at Captain Vargus then to his Mom. “Mom, they are not guest here. They’re doing their job and will not be at the ceremony, but be observing it from a long distance.”

Captain Vargus added. “The Commander is correct. We are here to protect a Vulcan citizen. We cannot be ‘guest’ at a ceremony.”

The week went by fairly smoothly, except that Trip was getting frustrated with guards following them around. They had gone into town. Trip wanted to take T’Pol to dinner and to see a movie. As they walked down the street it became clear that this wasn’t going to work. A Human male walking down the street with a Vulcan female was enough to draw stares, but the Vulcan guards following at a discreet distance drew too much attention.

T’Pol maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I didn’t think about the guards and how much commotion they would cause.”

Yes, it might make it hard to sit in a theater and watch a movie.’

We’d see the movie, but I don’t think anyone else would. Let’s get something to take back for dinner and have a picnic on the beach.”

You could play your harmonica for me.”

I forgot all about that. Good idea, I just wanted a quiet evening with you and me before tomorrow because knowing my Mom it will be a long and trying day and we’re going to miss out on the wedding night. It’s just not the same when you’re at your parent’s house.”

“Tomorrow will be our last night here, so we should talk to Malcolm and see if we can go somewhere close by for out wedding night.”

When they got back to the house they grabbed blankets and took the food they brought back and went across to the beach. They put the blankets down near a group of rocks. When they finished eating Trip leaned back and began playing his harmonica. T’Pol laid down, closed her eyes, and listened to the bluesy melody. She’d never heard him play before and let herself float along with the music and the feeling of him relaxing. The longer he played the more she knew that this was like meditation for him. There were no thoughts in his mind. He felt only the notes and the release of emotion he experienced with each one. When Vulcans meditated it was to examine their emotions to figure out how to control them, where Trip meditated it was to let his negative emotions go, so they no longer had the power to affect him. When he finished he smiled. “That almost makes up for not hearing my warp engine for two weeks. It feels strange not to have it the background .“

“How long have you played harmonica?”

“Since I was a kid. My grandpa taught me and I’ve played ever since.”

“I now know why you took to meditation so easily. When you were playing it felt the same as when you meditate. You clear your mind and let everything else go.”

“Yeah, you might be right. It has always relaxed me I just never thought of that.”

Malcolm and Hoshi were on the porch when they went back to the house. Trip asked about he and T’Pol sneaking off for the night after their ceremony and Malcolm said he had already made arrangements for them, they just needed to get through the day and he’d take care of the rest.

When they came down for breakfast the table was set up with more food than could possibly be eaten in one morning. Trip glanced out the back door and saw an arbor of some sort being erected and flowers everywhere. Red and Blue. Blue lilies and tulips of various shades with red roses and gerbera. T’Pol had to be the one who chose the colors, as no one else knew he loved her in red and that blue was her favorite color on him. His mother was flitting around issuing orders to whoever she saw. Malcolm and Hoshi were both outside following instructions. T’Pol stood behind him at the door. “You let this happen didn’t you?”

“It will make your mother happy. You will not have to wear a suit and I will not wear a white dress, there will be no rings, and no guest, but she is happy decorating and preparing food to see her son get married, so what is the harm?”

“Nothing I guess. If you’re okay with it I’ll be okay.” He turned, looked to be sure they were alone and kissed her. “Now I just have to figure out what I’m wearing.”

“A pair of pants and a shirt are laying on our bed for you. “

“Pretty sure of yourself here aren’t you. Picking out my clothes?”

“I have purchased items for you. Your taste in attire is lacking.”

“You don’t like my taste.”

“You insist on wearing those shirts with the large, ugly flowers on them.”

“You don’t like my Hawaiian shirts?”

“They are not aesthetically pleasing at all.”

“Do you think I would have worn one today?”

“No. You can wear whatever you wish, except one of those shirts.”

“It seems this day has turned out to be for you and my mother. I picked out your robe for our ceremony, so it’s only fair you pick out my clothes today. I don’t think they’re going to let us help out there, so let’s go to the beach and mediate. I think I’m going to need to be as relaxed as I can possibly be.”

The time had finally arrived. Trip went upstairs to shower and dress. He went into their room to get his clothes and was surprised by T’Pol choices. His shirt was red and the pants were cream colored. There were non-Starfleet black underwear and a pair of very nice black dress boots. Casual, but dressy at the same time. He hadn’t seen T’Pol yet, so he had no idea what she would be wearing. He finished dressing and went downstairs to find her. He could sense her through the bond, but couldn’t see where she was. Malcolm, who was dressed in cream colored pants and a dark shirt, came in and told him it was time. He followed Malcolm out to the arbor. The pathway was all red and blue flowers, and the arbor was decorated with baby’s breath. Hoshi came in. Her pants and shirt were the same color as Malcolm’s. Then T’Pol stepped in across from Trip. She had on black dress boots, with cream colored slacks and a tight fitting blue shirt, the same blue as the pajamas Trip liked, that just reached the top of her slacks. He smiled and they locked their eyes onto each other.

The judge started speaking.

“We are gathered here today…” Trip wasn’t really listening until the judge said “ does any one present have any reason…” Trip looked at him and whispered. “We’re already married, so you can skip that part.” He could hear his mom sshing him. The next thing he heard was “Charles Tucker III repeat after me “I Charles Tucker take you T’Pol to be my wife, to be my bondmate, to love, to honor, and to cherish from this day forward till death do us part.” T’Pol had definitely changed the vows.

Trip repeated the words, except he said ”I Trip Tucker…” T’Pol then repeated her vows. The judge said you may kiss the bride and Trip reached across to touch her fingers. The judge repeated “You may kiss the bride”. Trip looked at him and said. “We can skip that part too, we’ll take care of it later.

When the judge said “May I present Charles and T’Pol Tucker.” Trip felt T’Pol’s confusion. “Don’t worry darlin you’re T’Pol and I’m Trip. Earth customs change a wife’s last name to the husbands, but you only have to use it for legal matters. You managed to make this a good thing for us and my family. Thank you.”

You are welcome T’hy’la. I am glad you approve.”

Malcolm got them a room at a local hotel. They were the only guest on the entire floor, so their guards were posted at the each end of the hall where they could see the elevators and watch the stairwell. Room service had been ordered for them and when it arrived one of the guards knocked on the door and left the cart outside. Trip and T’Pol made love, ate, and made love again. They even managed a few hours of sleep wrapped in each others arms.

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